Monday, January 16, 2017

2017: Clarity

The word I've been seeing, hearing, sensing, and challenged by for 2017 is the word, "clarity."

World Magazine suggests giving
the gift of "Clarity" for 2017
It started popping up everywhere a few weeks ago. It seemed I couldn't get through a conversation or article without hearing that word spoken. In December, World Magazine chose that word - of all words - to be front and center on their sales wrap for an issue. Like.. give the gift of clarity for 2017. I was sent an article that spoke about the power and value of clarity. An email devotional referenced clarity as something important for the coming year. Yes. I believe it is.

That's a flickering image of what brought this word, circumstantially, to light. But what does this mean when our boots are on the trail?

The meaning of clarity for us this year is made more precise in a list of words that people I know have felt are significant; deliberate; diligent; unity; boldness; abundance; peace; redeemed; listen; and integrity. Each word carries it's own story and focus. As we move forward, I'll share more about what clarity means for life at the Outpost.

In addition to those words, there are passages of scripture and a picture that has meaning for this season. Second Corinthians chapter 5 recounts how Jesus came with a ministry of reconciliation and that ministry is for us as well. As Jesus' people, we have a ministry (read: we are to bring the gift of...) reconciliation. We are to be ambassadors for Jesus, drawing people back to the Father. Another passage is Psalm 91. Psalm 91 declares God's goodness, protection, and faithfulness in the midst of struggle. Psalm 91 tells us who God is... and invites us to join the original psalmist in making the same declarations.

Finally, a picture. A friend felt this impression put on his heart for this season. He saw a naval battle group in the ocean coming against a single naval re-supply ship of an opposing navy. The single ship cannot hope to stand against a battle group. We see this as a call to walking in greater unity - each person bringing their own gift for the benefit of the whole body. Every ship matters. Even the mighty battle group could not battle for long if there is no re-supply ship nearby!

This image of the navy is a lot like life at the Outpost. The Outpost would be a lonely, desolate, place... and definitely not a refuge if there were only one person living and working here. It takes a cohesive, committed, team to establish a place of refuge. It takes family.

Let's grow more clear together this year. Clear on who God is (Psalm 91); Clear on who we are (John 15:5 - I am the Vine, and you are the branches); Clear on what we are about (2 Cor. 5:16-21)

Not one should be lost...

Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Welcome to the Outpost

An outpost is an isolated or remote branch of some larger group. Whenever I hear that word, I picture a little group of log buildings at the end of a wagon trail and at the beginning of a great wilderness.

There is always a group of people that stay at the outpost. For them, the outpost is home. There is also a stream of people that come through the outpost. These people are trying to reach a destination beyond the outpost, but they will never reach their future home if they do not first reach the outpost. These people stay for a season… a day, weeks, or even years, but in due time they move on to their destination. 

Everyone who finds refuge at the outpost receives what they need to complete the next leg of their journey. However, these refugees bring something needed for the little community to both thrive and serve. You see, God cares for the people who call the outpost home and they have needs too. 

Sometimes, people at the outpost learn of one lost in the wilderness and in great need of help. The outpost assembles a rescue team to locate them and bring them to safety. We all know what it’s like to be lost. No one should be lost. 

Pedee is an outpost. For many, Pedee appears to be the end of the trail. But we know there is a dynamic community of pioneer-spirited people that call this area home… we are the residents at the outpost. Over the years we’ve seen a flow of people that come to and through Pedee Church; these people each contribute something and receive something during their time. This is the mark of a healthy outpost. Also, we know there are people who are lost in the wilderness around us… and each of us has been lost before. *

Jesus is our example. He came into the wilderness to seek and save the lost… you and me. Even more… He’s made us family. Now, Jesus sends us on mission. His mission, into the wilderness from our assigned outpost. That not one would be lost.** 

Welcome to the Outpost - On Youtube
(1 Cor. 12:12; Isaiah 53:6)

** (John 3:16; Romans 8:17; 2 Peter 3:9)