Saturday, March 05, 2005

Starting off

This is an ironic time to try something new... or maybe its the best time. I feel like I've got more things happening that I know how to complete. I am not enough to go around.
My wife and I are expecting a baby. Well, to be born that is. We are already parents, the baby is already here. Its funny to think how close we are to our child, and yet how ironically far away. Parenthood is another of life's mysteries that people love to talk about, but the line of experience separates the parents from the non-parents. It's like a club. When I was single, I was excluded from the "married" people club. Now, we're being initiated into the "parents" club... with all the unknown, and all the expectations that we carry.
Today. For now. This is my life.


  1. Bravo! for taking the marriage step, for not being afraid to bring children into the world (into what I feel must be close to the end times), and for looking forward with great anticipation into the eyes of Jesus to see your "unborn" child.

    Today. For now. This is my life...and what a life it is!

  2. There was a season in my life that I wondered about the wisdom of having children (I too believe we are in the last days) For most of my life I expected not to live past the age of 24... but I did. I've had to re-arrange my whole thinking to even allow for the possibility that God may not return in my lifetime.. that I could have grandchildren. I might even die of old age.
    I have a wonderful wife. She is my best friend, we shape each other a lot. She helps fill in the gaps of what I am not.
