Monday, May 09, 2005

Images, Moments, Minutes

Tonight the lioness and I had a couple of friends over. A good friend of ours just bought a house across the street from ours. I got to loan my tools and a few minutes of time to help hook up a drier. Its a relief to have opportunities like that. Sometimes I worry that life will get so full of the "important" things that I won't have time to do anything that actually matters. Later, he came over to visit. It was fun to show off the changes to our house. Not everything is done. I still have tile to lay in the kitchen... but the house is beginning to come out of its "awkward" age and begin showing its true colors. Its exciting to see ideas come together and really look good.
Our baby is due in two weeks... so it really could come at almost anytime over the next four.

Right now everything seems to be a flurry of colors and motions.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks :-)
    This has been good for me... a lesson in "Hey, I can do this". It's been helpful that I've had someone to help me at each new step to get started. Allen has helped me a lot, and this weekend Dennis will be helping me with the tile.
    This last week has felt pretty restful compared to the previous couple of months. I've been really thankful for it.
    You are a great encourager. Thanks.
