Wednesday, September 14, 2005


I speak of rest because it is one that God has been reminding me about recently. Of course, the reason (as is usually the reason for God telling someone something) is that because I don't have enough of it in my life.
There's a guy. His name Graham Cooke. He wrote a really chunky book called "Divine Confrontation"... I couldn't read it the first time I tried. There was too much to absorb.... too much to process. Either way, the Lioness and I went to hear him speak since he happened to be speaking at a conference less than an hour away from our house. He talked about how God told him to rest and that he's been intensely productive since then. (well, he wrote several chunky books I guess)
I've been trying rest a little more during the everyday. hey, I'm not using my legs right now... why are they tense? "relax legs... give it a break". It leaves me wondering how much energy and effort I spend every day, or even every minute on sub-conscious things that don't benefit me at all. I clench my teeth a lot I know.
There's lots happening, I won't try to do it justice. The baby is wonderful and doing wonderful things. The Lioness just got the coffee machine ready to make coffee for me to take to work in the morning... its those sorts of thoughtful things that tell me that she loves me for real. Now I need to go do a million other things before I go to sleep.... like.. wash the car... and build a fence... and play a computer game... no.. no.. not really.


  1. Your thoughts on rest reminded me of an earlier time in my life, when my babies truly were babies....I was home alone with the youngest at the time...I'm not really sure which one it was. There was tons to do...laundry, cleaning, dinner, etc. But I had just rocked the baby to sleep, and was lying on the couch watching the baby sleep; and was profoundly impacted by the rest that the baby was enjoying..very relaxed. I could lift her arm and it would just drop, not disturbing her rest at all.
    I remember thinking of the lesson to be learned about rest from a baby. Babies seem to know the importance of the task at hand.


  2. :-) Yeah, there is something profoundly beautiful about a baby that is asleep!

    The Great Red Lion
