Tuesday, September 27, 2005

A wind in my hair week: Part I

Ok. Here's how it goes.
1) My coworker gives her two week notice. The first of the two weeks, She (and most of the Building) is gone for a conference in Portland with VIPs from across the country. I spent the week holding down the fort so to speak.
I take 1/2 of that Friday off in order to get ready for a weekend men's retreat with a bunch of guys from my church. (think ~400 guys at a huge camp in a beautiful forest)
2) I and my group of guys show up late-ish on Friday evening. Dinner. Worship. 1st session. The speaker is Phil Downer. He's a great communicator... pretty direct. Six guys sleep in a tent together... it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be. We all walked into that situation knowing that about 50% of the inhabitants snore loud enough that we wouldn't be hearing the generators that the old guys use to stay warm in their RVs at night. (If you're one of the old guys and happen to read this... I'm talking about the other old guys... not you)
Over all, it was a pretty good weekend. Lots of quick meetings with guys that I'm trying to plan things with, but never see... and a few good conversations with guys in other churches that I've missed... Like Happy the logger (yes, that's his real name).
I stopped by the prayer tent for the first time. I didn't have a specific agenda... I just wanted to see what God might say. I wandered up to the tent after hearing a friend tell me about a pretty exciting experience there (it is now ~10:45pm)... there's a line. When I finally get to the front, I sit down in a chair in front of three other guys. The middle was asks, "what's your name". After I told them my name they just stopped and waited to see what God might say. When they did speak, they all spoke out things that I'd felt pretty clearly. It was a good time of confirmation.
I really can't do justice to the "retreat" experience here... so I'll just move on.
It was wonderful to get home to my wife (who doesn't snore) and my little girl (who snores a little but at 4 months... everything is cute).
3) I spend Monday and Tuesday trying to learn everything from my coworker about how she had changed things since I had been in that position. On Tuesday, I gave her a hug and said good bye. Now, I'm on my own in the office. I will be for at least another month.

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