Saturday, July 30, 2005


One of the most frequent comments I hear as a new parent goes something like "Enjoy every moment... they grow up before you know it!". Just as all parts of life, it seems that every day passes more quickly than the last. I wonder if my perception is tied to a fast-paced world that spinning faster... or if its only the microcosm that I live in. Regardless, experience rings true to the comments that people offer. They do grow up quickly. I remember the shock when I realized that my daughter was 6 hrs old already... it seemed like she had just been born!... now I think back at how she really had just been born. In a short while, I will look back at my today and how she was still brand new.
The perception of time is subject to comparison.
I don't feel young, but my parents and grandparents still see me as a kid full of potential. Of course, God looks at each of us no matter what our age is and sees us all as "kids". What's the difference between 15 years old and 83 years young when all of time is laid out before you. We're all people. We all do people things. The 15 year olds and 83 year olds struggle with a lot of the same things... struggling with insecurity, yearning for love, frustrated by what is just out of reach, asking "is it ever ok to tell a lie?"
Yeah, it all goes quickly... at least this part of it seems to. I sure hope that when it's all over that I can look back and see value in what I've done. I hope Allana has known love. I hope God will see me as his kid, and let me hang around.