Friday, November 03, 2017

To My Daughters

For my daughters,

Sweet girl, You are one. One whole person. You have a whole life and every bit of potential to benefit the world as powerfully as any other person. You are inferior to no one.

You are also unique. There is no other "one" who is just like you. This means that you are the only one that can fulfill the plan that God has for you. God created only one of you. No one else has the same set of gifts, qualities, that you have. There is only one of you.

As you grow, you will discover different types of friendships. However, besides your momma and me, there are two key relationships that will guide your life in ways too deep and lasting to even measure. Precious girl, I want you to get these two relationships right. If you do, your heart will be blessed with joy, fruitfulness, and you will be saved from immeasurable heartache.

The first is your relationship with Jesus Christ. Little lamb, you (and all of us) need a good shepherd. Jesus is not only the Good Shepherd, but He is also the One who created you. You belonged to Him before you belonged to momma and I. You will belong to Him for all time. We have had you memorize Psalm 23 at home... this is so you will have a reminder for the rest of your life that Jesus is your shepherd. You may walk through the valley of the shadow of death, but if Jesus is your shepherd you don't need to fear... even when the journey is difficult and you have enemies that are fierce. Precious one, trust Jesus. Don't run from the good shepherd. He will treat you kindly. In the end, Jesus will lead you to a new home... an eternal home.

Second, one day you will also discover a longing in your heart for "the one" human friendship with a young man that will become a life-long partnership. This is a good desire. I'm talking about your future husband. However, unlike Jesus, people are not perfect and - if you are not careful - your heart could be lead astray.

When you enter this stage in life, please be patient. Even years of waiting, wondering, and trusting God to bring the right man are immeasurably better than any season that turns the path of your life away from the best that God has in His heart for you. Ask Jesus to guide you in all of your decisions and relationships. Trust the wise people who have loved you for a long time. Look to those that have succeeded at what you want for your life. Don't lightly disregard a warning from someone that has demonstrated faithfulness to you, they may see something that you cannot see.

Here are some things to think about when you consider a young man who has expressed interest in you. He must be willing (and able) to give you 100% of himself to match your 100%. If he offers less, then you will be unequally yoked... (when one is partnered to less-than-one.) My heart for you is that you would never experience a partial partnership. You are one who is worth ALL of another person to share life with. If he doesn't bring 100% to a 100% partnership... don't be part of it. In fact.... sweet girl... run quickly away. Your future joy and possibly your very life depends on it.

Also, If you are not willing to offer him 100% of yourself, guard yourself and do not dishonor him by allowing him to believe you might give him more.

If you find a young man that is drawn to you... and also drawn to another young woman... and another... and another... don't give away anything at all to him. He is divided... and you don't want division in your life. Division begins in a divided heart, and divides wherever it goes... offering less and less and less. 50% of a person multiplied by 100% of another person, gives back only 50%. If you only offer 50% of yourself to a person offering only 50% back to you; 50% and 50% multiplied only gives back 25%... when you multiply divided people, you get less, not more. You're way too smart to be doing that. The world will tell you it's ok. The world will say it's actually more. The world is telling you a lie. The world has a divided heart, so living by the world's values will only lead to division. Division always results in less.

You are too valuable to settle for less.

A 100% commitment is expressed, first, in the form of a wedding that takes place before God, your husband, and in the presence of your family and friends before it is expressed as a marriage. The public nature of a wedding brings a community of people around you to support both of you in an important commitment. A wedding demands a very public statement that must be honored. If he (or you) are unwilling to make such a public commitment before God and your community, then don't commit anything at all to that relationship. You will lose whatever you leave there.

Marriage is a one-way trip. Even in the sad cases that a marriage ends, there is no way to un-do the life that was shared by all who are touched by a marriage... marriage always involves more than just two people. It is never just about you.

When you (or someone else) gets something wrong... whether small or large, there is hope in Jesus. Jesus will redeem anyone who will repent, surrender to Him, and let Him lead them along the narrow path of life. Redemption is not something you can earn. Thankfully, you don't have to earn it. But you do need to trust and obey.

I want to see your life marked with wholeness. Wholeness is built around whole numbers. Those families start best with one whole person who is wholly committed to another whole person who is wholly committed back the first whole person. A partnership between two whole people who are following the Good Shepherd, results in ever increasing life for those two and everyone around them.

If you want to know how to live as one whole person, you must learn from the ONE whole person. That person is Jesus Christ. You can learn about Him in the Bible. The Bible tells us what living as one looks like for Jesus... and what it can look like for you. Learn from people that have walked with Jesus for a long time. They can help you quickly learn things that may have taken them many years to understand. It is a precious treasure to have wise, faithful, Christ followers to help you.

I want you to experience all possible joy in this life. I want you to pass wholeness on to your children (my grandchildren) and help others you know that have been divided to be made whole again.

True joy (and strength) is found in Jesus. Jesus is also the One that will establish wholeness in your life and restore it to people around you.

At the end of your earthly life, you will look back and see how every decision (large or small) and every experience directed your path in powerful and unexpected ways. Be patient. Look to the wise. Trust your Good Shepherd... and walk in confidence as the beautiful gift that you are.

Consider today what the God has put in your heart to gift to your children, your husband, the people whose lives you will touch. Don't let the world, or anything in it, cause you to settle for less. Leave a deposit of light, love, and joy wherever you go. Jesus will give you something good to share for every season.

In the mean time, I love you 100%. I am filled with joy to know that I can have a priceless treasure like you as my little girl. Each of you carry both beauty and power. I know the world will be blessed through you. Remember, you are loved.., today, tomorrow, and for always.
