Saturday, April 18, 2009

A couple of comments

1)  It's been a long time since I've posted anything. I've actually shot a few more fish and have some pictures I'd like to post as some point. I went on a dive in Oct '08 off the Oregon coast that easily rivaled anything I saw in Belize. I was diving a kelp forest with enormous schools of sea bass, amazing visibility. Two harbor seals passed nearby... stopping to wonder what I was.  I went on another dive earlier this week.... we ended up diving the jetty at Newport in somewhat poor conditions for about 1 hr. I walked away with a single black rock. My dive buddy got two. On the whole it was a good day though because it was the day our lives were preserved by a busted zipper, a flat wheel-barrow tire, and a broken buckle. The take home lesson: Never resent providential interruptions... especially when they don't fit your schedule. 

2)  I am really thankful that God is continually growing us. Looking back at things I've written, it is fun to see what life-themes have carried on and matured and which have wained. It's exciting to see that I'm a different person than I was. 

3)  Just as birth is a process that appears cyclical and endless, so the world seems to move on in peace and war, richness and famine. But just as labor almost imperceptively crescendos to birth a new baby, God is birthing something through creation. The cycle of conflict and resolution is slowing growing. At some point, the cycle breaks and everything changes... and what seems impossible in one moment changes everything forever in the next.