Saturday, June 10, 2006

Cub #2

Yes, it's been a while... ironically, the more there is to talk about, the less time there is to talk!

Since my last update, my friend Matt has gotten married to Genna. (The last of my "single" friends is now married) . Now there are babies everywhere! One friend's baby was born this morning (a little girl). There are ~nine more on the way! They are due in July, September, twins in October, our next baby at the end of October, two in November, December, and January. (we can't reliably count them further out than ~9 months) There are other's too!

This next week, I'm going on an exploration / camping trip. I'll be returning to some vertical caves (with more rope than last time). It will be exciting to see if they open into a caves system or not (the odds are against it)